Case Study: Library Management System

The Library Management System is a simple Python program that emulates the core functionalities of a library, including adding books, displaying the book catalog, lending books, and returning books. This case study presents a straightforward implementation of a library management system for educational and organizational purposes.


  1. To create a text-based library management system for managing a collection of books.
  2. To allow users to add books to the library catalog.
  3. To provide users with a list of available books.
  4. To enable users to borrow and return books.


The Library Management System consists of the following components:

  • Library Class: The Library class serves as the core of the system and contains methods for adding books, displaying the catalog, lending books, and returning books. It uses a dictionary to store book information.
  • Main Function: The main function initiates the library system and presents a menu to users for performing actions like adding books, displaying books, lending books, and returning books.
print("**********  Welcome To Our Library  *********** ")
class Library:
    def __init__(self):
        self.books = {}

    def add_book(self, title, author):
        if title in self.books:
            print("Book already in the library.")
            self.books[title] = author
            print("Book added successfully.")

    def display_books(self):
        if not self.books:
            print("The library is empty.")
            print("List of books in the library:")
            for title, author in self.books.items():
                print(f"Title: {title}, Author: {author}")

    def lend_book(self, title, borrower):
        if title in self.books:
            if self.books[title] == borrower:
                print("You have already borrowed this book.")
                self.books[title] = borrower
                print("Book lent successfully.")
            print("Book not found in the library.")

    def return_book(self, title, borrower):
        if title in self.books and self.books[title] == borrower:
            self.books[title] = None
            print("Book returned successfully.")
            print("Book not found or not borrowed by you.")

def main():
    library = Library()

    while True:
        print("\nLibrary Management System")
        print("1. Add a book")
        print("2. Display books")
        print("3. Lend a book")
        print("4. Return a book")
        print("0. Exit")

        choice = input("Enter your choice: ")

        if choice == '1':
            title = input("Enter the title of the book: ")
            author = input("Enter the author of the book: ")
            library.add_book(title, author)
        elif choice == '2':
        elif choice == '3':
            title = input("Enter the title of the book you want to lend: ")
            borrower = input("Enter your name: ")
            library.lend_book(title, borrower)
        elif choice == '4':
            title = input("Enter the title of the book you want to return: ")
            borrower = input("Enter your name: ")
            library.return_book(title, borrower)
        elif choice == '0':
            print("Invalid choice. Please enter a valid option.")

if __name__ == "__main__":


Case Study Steps:

  1. Launch the Library Management System.
  2. The system displays a welcome message, and the main menu is presented to the user.
  3. Users can choose from the following options:
    • Add a Book (Option 1): Users can add books to the library catalog by providing the book’s title and author.
    • Display Books (Option 2): Users can view the list of books in the library catalog.
    • Lend a Book (Option 3): Users can borrow a book by specifying the title and their name. The system checks for book availability and records the borrower’s name.
    • Return a Book (Option 4): Users can return a borrowed book by providing the book’s title and their name. The system verifies the book’s status and updates it.
    • Exit (Option 0): Users can exit the library management system.
  4. The system processes user inputs, executes the chosen action, and provides appropriate feedback.


The Library Management System presented in this case study offers a simplified way to manage a library’s book catalog. It is suitable for educational purposes and provides the core features necessary for a basic library system, such as adding, displaying, lending, and returning books. Further development could include features like due dates, user authentication, and storing book information in a database for a more comprehensive library management system.

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