How R Performs Different Data Manipulations Using Functions and Packages

R provides powerful functions and packages for data manipulation, allowing you to perform a wide range of operations on your data. Two popular packages for data manipulation in R are dplyr and tidyr. Here are examples of common data manipulation tasks using these packages:

  1. Filtering data:

   # Filter rows where a specific condition is met
   filtered_data <- filter(df, age > 30)
  1. Sorting data:

   # Sort data frame by a specific column
   sorted_data <- arrange(df, age)
  1. Selecting specific columns:

   # Select specific columns from a data frame
   selected_columns <- select(df, name, age)
  1. Adding new columns:

   # Add a new column to a data frame
   df <- mutate(df, new_column = age * 2)
  1. Grouping and summarizing data:

   # Group data by a specific column and calculate summary statistics
   summarized_data <- df %>%
     group_by(city) %>%
     summarise(mean_age = mean(age), total_count = n())
  1. Reshaping data:

   # Convert data from wide format to long format
   long_data <- gather(df, key = "variable", value = "value", -name)
  1. Merging data frames:

   # Merge two data frames based on a common column
   merged_data <- merge(df1, df2, by = "id")

These examples demonstrate just a few of the many operations you can perform using dplyr and tidyr. These packages provide intuitive and efficient functions for data manipulation in R, making it easier to handle, transform, and analyze your data effectively.

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